Inaugural Speech

15 August 2023

On the 9th of August, I was sworn into the Western Australian Parliament as the new Member for Rockingham in the Legislative Assembly.

It is an honour to represent the community that I grew up in and the people I love dearly - the people of Rockingham. Rockingham has given me so much and I'm grateful for the opportunity to give back.

I take the responsibility entrusted to me seriously and I will work tirelessly to improve the quality of life for our community.


I am committed to working hard, listening to the needs of our locals and fighting for a decent life and job for all in our community, for generations to come.

To listen to my story and hear my vision for Rockingham, watch below or you can read it here:$FILE/A41%20S1%2020230815%20p3773c-3777a.pdf